Westside Baptist Church

Audio > Sermons

  • The LORD our righteousness (Jeremiah 23:1-8)

    “The LORD our righteousness” is the thirteenth sermon in our series on the names of God in the Old Testament. Text: Jeremiah 23:1-8. It was preached by Martin Parker for Sunday 26th July 2020.

  • The LORD is Peace (Judges 6:1-24)

    “The LORD is Peace” is the twelfth sermon in our series on the names of God from the Old esatament. Text: Judges 6:1-24. It was preached by Martin Parker for Sunday 19th July 2020.

  • Lord of hosts (Psalm 46)

    “Lord of hosts” is the eleventh sermon in our series on the names of God in the Old Testament. It was preached by Martin Parker for Sunday 12th July 2020.

  • The LORD who makes you holy (Exodus 31:12-18)

    “The LORD who makes you holy” is the tenth sermon in our series on the name of God from the Old Testament. Text: Exodus 31:12-18. It was preached by Tom Campbell for Sunday 5th July 2020.

  • Jealous (Exodus 34:1-17, 27-28)

    “Jealous” is the ninth sermon in our series on the names of God in the Old Testament. It was preached by Martin Parker for Sunday 28th June 2020. Text: Exodus 34:1-17, 27-28.

  • The LORD is my Banner (Exodus 17:8-16)

    “The LORD is my Banner” is the eighth sermon in our series on the names of God in the Old Testament. Text: Exodus 17:8-16. It was preached by Martin Parker for Sunday 21st June 2020.

  • The LORD who heals (Exodus 15:22-27)

    “The LORD who heals” is the seventh sermon in our series on the names of God in the Old Testament. Text: Exodus 15:22-27. It was preached by Martin Parker for Sunday 14th June 2020.

  • I AM (Exodus 3)

    “I AM” is the sixth sermon in our series on the names of God. Text: Exodus 3. It was preached by Martin Parker for Sunday 7th June 2020.

  • The Lord will Provide (Genesis 22:1-19)

    “The Lord will Provide” is the fifth sermon in our series on the names of God in the Old Testament, “What’s in a name?” Text: Genesis 22:1-19. it was preached by Tom Campbell for Sunday 31st May 2020.

  • The Eternal God (Genesis

    “The Eternal God” is the fourth sermon in our series on the names of God in the Old Testament, “What’s in a name?” Text: Genesis 21. We discover that, because the He is not bound by time, the eternal God always as time for us – as though there were no one else but us!

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Westside Baptist Church, Old Chapel, Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland

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