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Standing firm in the faith (1st Peter 5:1-14)
“Standing firm in the faith” is the tenth and final part of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 1st December 2019. Text: 1st Peter 5:1-14.
Tested by fire (1st Peter 4:11-19)
“Tested by fire” is part nine of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 24th November 2019. Text: 1st Peter 4:12-19.
Prepare for battle! (1st Peter 4:1-11)
“Prepare for battle!” is part eight of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 17th November 2019. Text: 1st Peter 4:1-11.
The hope that is in you (1st Peter 3:8-22)
“The hope that you have” is part seven of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 10th November 2019. Text: 1st Peter 3:8-22.
Heirs together of life (1st Peter 3:1-7)
“Heirs together of life” is part six of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 3rd November 2019. Text: 1st Peter 3:1-7.
Submission and Suffering (1st Peter 2:13-25)
“Submission and Suffering” is part five of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 27th October 2019. Text: 1st Peter 2:13-25).
John 17 (Peter Grier)
On Sunday 13th October 2019 we joined with the student of CUI for their Munster CU Weekend. Peter Grier preached from John 17:1-10.
Rejected by men; chosen by God (1st Peter 2:4-12)
“Rejected by men; chosen by God” is part four of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 6th October 2019. Text: 1st Peter 2:4-12.
A new way of life! (1st Peter 1:13-2:3)
“A new way of life!” is part three of our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s people in a hostile world”. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 22nd September. Text: 1st Peter 1:13-2:3.
Rejoicing in the midst of trials (1st Peter 1:3-12)
“Rejoicing in the midst of trials” is part two in our series in 1st Peter, “Living as God’s chosen people in a hostile world.” Text: 1st Peter 1:3-12. We consider what suffering cannot do, what suffering does do, and the suffering of Christ that results in grace given to us.