Audio > Sermons
Easter Sunday 2018
This sermon was preached by Tom Campbell on Easter Sunday 2018, 1st April. Text: John 20.
Will the real king please stand up? (Esther 10)
“Will the real king please stand up?” is the 10th and final part of our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 10. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 25th March 2018, which was also Palm Sunday.
The Great Reversal (Esther 9)
“The Great Reversal” is part 9 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 9. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 18th March 2018.
A day of grace (Esther 8)
“A day of grace” is part 8 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 8. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 11th March 2018.
What a difference a day makes (Esther 7)
“What a difference a day makes” is part 7 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 7. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 4th March 2018.
If God is for us (Esther 6)
“If God is for us…” is part 6 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 6. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 25th February 2018. It it we consider the things that just happen, the reversal that begins and the reality that cannot be denied.
The kingdom of me! (Esther 5)
“The kingdom of me!” is part 5 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 5. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 18th February 2018.
Serving a different kingdom (Esther 4)
“Serving a different kingdom” is part 4 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 4. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 4th February 2018.
Clash of kingdoms (Esther 3)
“Clash of kingdoms” is part 3 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 3. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 21st January 2018.
Too comfortable in the kingdom (Esther 2)
“Too comfortable in the kingdom” is part 2 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 2. In this sermon we consider the king’s pursuit of happiness even and the expense of others, and the compromise of God’s people living in the kingdom of Persia. Yet, even here, […]