Audio > Sermons
The kingdom exposed (Esther 1)
“The kingdom exposed” is part 1 in our series on the Book of Esther, “Who’s really on the throne?” Text: Esther 1. In this sermon we consider the appearance of the kingdom, the reality of the kingdom and the inability of the kingdom.
FULFILLED: Out of Egypt
This is the final part of our Christmas series “Fulfilled”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 31st December 2017. Text: Matthew 2:13-18. In it we go back to the prophecy of Hosea and consider how Jesus fulfills the role of Israel as the faithful Son of God.
FULFILLED: A Ruler from Bethlehem
This is the second part in our Christmas series “Fulfilled”. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 24th December 2017. Text: Matthew 2:1-12.
FULFILLED: The Virgin Birth
This is part one in the Christmas series “Fulfilled”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 17th December 2017. Text: Matthew 1:18-25. In it we go back to the prophecy of Isaiah and consider both the immediate and ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy.
EPHESUS: The cost of walking in the Way (Acts 19)
“The cost of walking in the Way” is the final sermon in our series “Good News for Everyone” based on Acts 13-19. Text: Acts 19. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 3rd Decmber 2017.
CORINTH: Many people in this city! (Acts 18:1-28)
“Many people in this city!” is the penultimate sermon in our series “Good News for Everyone” based on Acts 13-19. Text: Acts 18:1-28. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 26th November 2017.
ATHENS: The Unknown God (Acts 17:16-38)
“The Unknown God” is the eighth sermon in our series “Good News for Everyone” based on Acts 13-19. Text: Acts 17:16-38. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 19th November 2017.
THESSALONICA & BEREA: The Centrality of Scripture (Acts 17:1-15)
“The Centrality of Scripture” is the seventh sermon in our series “Good News for Everyone” based on Acts 13-19. Text: Acts 17:1-15. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 12th November 2017.
PHILIPPI: Changed Lives (Acts 16:11-40)
“Changed Lives” is the sixth sermon in our series “Good News for Everyone” based on Acts 13-19. Text: Acts 16:11-40. It was preached by Craig Maiden on Sunday 5th November 2017.
No one can do it alone (Acts 15:36-16:10)
“No one can do it alone” is the fifth sermon in our series “Good News for Everyone” based on Acts 13-19. Text: Acts 15:36-16:10. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 29th October 2017. In it we consider someone Paul could do without, someone Paul could do with, and the One Paul could not […]