Audio > Sermons
Hannah’s Prayer
“Hannah’s Prayer” was preached by Craig Maiden on Sunday 27th August on the first Sunday of our prayer week. Text: 1 Samuel 1.
Sticks and stones (Matthew 23)
“Sticks and stones” is part 7 in our series, “Jesus behaving badly?” Text: Matthew 23. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 6th August 2017.
Hating your family! (Luke 14:25-35)
“Hating your family!” is part 6 in our series, “Jesus behaving badly?” Text: Luke 14:25-35. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 30th July 2017. In it we consider both counting the cost of discipleship and carrying the cross of discipleship.
Let the dead bury their own dead: the cost of discipleship (Luke 9:57-62)
“Let the dead bury their own dead” is part 4 in our series, “Jesus behaving badly?” Text: Luke 9:57-62. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 9th July 2017.
What makes Jesus angry? (John 2:12-25)
“What makes Jesus angry?” is the third part in our series “Jesus behaving badly?” Text: John 2:12-25. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 2nd July 2017.
Jesus, demons and pigs (Luke 8:26-39)
“Jesus, demons and pigs” is part 2 in the series “Jesus behaving badly?” Text: Luke 8:26-39. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 25th June.
Putting parenthood in its proper place (Luke 2:41-52)
“Putting parenthood in its proper place” was the first in a series entitled “Jesus behaving badly?”. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 18th June 2017 (Father’s Day). Text: Luke 2:41-52
Introduction to Joshua, Judges and Ruth
This was an introduction to the books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth which was given by Martin Parker on Wednesday 14th June as part of our Summer Reading Group
Three Gates (Nehemiah 3 with Mervyn Carter)
Mervyn Carter was one of the speakers at the recent Faith Mission Bandon Convention. He preached in Westside on Sunday 4th June 2017 from Nehemiah 3, looking at three gates in the walls of Jerusalem, and what they may illustrate about the Christian life.
God is always faithful (Trevor Morrow)
It was a delight to have Trevor Morrow with us recently speaking about the work in Peru. During his time with us he drew our attention to Psalm 100:5, reminding is that “God is always faithful”.