Westside Baptist Church

Audio > Sermons

  • He must increase; I must decrease

    On Sunday 5th June 2016 John Shearer preached this sermon, “He must increase; I must decrease”. Text: John 3:22-36.

  • Hearing, knowing, seeing (Exodus 18)

    “Hearing, knowing, seeing” is final part of 17 in our series in Exodus 1-18, “Redeemed for God’s glory”. Text: Exodus 18. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 29th May 2016.

  • Is the Lord among us or not? (Exodus 17)

    “Is the Lord among us or not?” is part 16 of our series in Exodus 1-18, “Redeemed for God’s glory”. Text: Exodus 17. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 22nd May 2016. It preceded our week of outreach – and was calling the church to prayer.

  • God’s Provision (Exodus 15:22-16:36)

    “God’s Provision” is part 15 of our series in Exodus 1-18, “Redeemed for God’s glory”. Text: Exodus 15:22-16:36. It was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 15th May 2016.

  • A song of praise (Exodus 15:1-21)

    “A song of praise” is part 14 of our series in Exodus 1-18, “Redeemed for God’s glory”. Text: Exodus 15:1-21. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 1st May 2016. In it we focus on why we sing, what we sing and how we sing.

  • God does it all! (Exodus 13:17-14:31)

    “God does it all!” is part 13 of our series in Exodus 1-18, “Redeemed for God’s glory”. Text: Exodus 13:17-14:31. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 24th April 2016.

  • Church Weekend 2016 (Part 3)

    We were delighted to have Andrew Reid with us for our Church weekend. This is the third talk from Saturday morning based on Colossians 4:718. Here he focuses on “Witnessing together in a secular society”. He first of all gives a report on his work in Spain.

  • Church Weekend 2016 (Part 2)

    We were delighted to have Andrew Reid with us for our Church weekend. This is the second talk from Sunday morning based on Colossians 4:2-6. Here he focuses on “How to live so that we get the opportunity to speak”.

  • Church Weekend 2016 (Part 1)

    We were delighted to have Andrew Reid with us for our Church weekend. This is the first talk from Saturday morning based on Colossians 4:2-6. Here he focuses on “How to speak when we get the opportunity”.

  • Belonging to God (Exodus 13:1-16)

    “Belonging to God” is part 12 of our series in Exodus 1-18, “Redeemed for God’s glory”. Text: Exodus 13:1-16. It was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 3rd April 2016.

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Westside Baptist Church, Old Chapel, Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland

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