Audio > Sermons
What’s in the heart? (Acts 4:32-5:11)
“What’s in the heart?” is the part five of our series in Acts 1:1-6:6, “The Spirit Comes”. This sermon was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 22nd November 2015. Text: Acts 4:32-5:11.
Witnesses of Jesus (Acts 4:1-31)
“Witnesses of Jesus” is the part four of our series in Acts 1:1-6:6, “The Spirit Comes”. This sermon was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 15th November 2015. Text: Acts 4:1-31.
Turn to God (Acts 3)
“Turn to God” is the part three of our series in Acts 1:1-6:6, “The Spirit Comes”. This sermon was preached by Tom Campbell on Sunday 8th November 2015. Text: Acts 3. There are a couple of moments of silence while Tom “gets into the character” of the crippled man – there’s nothing wrong with the […]
It’s all about Jesus! (Acts 2)
This is the second part of our series in Acts 1:1-6:6, “The Spirit Comes”. This sermon, “It’s all about Jesus!” was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 1st November 2015. Text: Acts 2.
Waiting for the Spirit (Acts 1)
Part in in our series in Acts 1:1-6:7, “The Spirit Comes”. This sermon, “Waiting for the Spirit” was preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 26th October 2015. Text: Acts 1. The Bible reading and the opening moments of the sermon are missing (apologies for that!).
IFES Munster Conference
This sermon was preached by Paul Ritchie, pastor of Limerick Baptist Church, at the recent IFES Munster Conference. We joined with the students on the Sunday morning of their weekend.
Until the Lord comes, please be patient
This sermon was preached by Martin Parker at the Joint Service of Baptist churches in Cork and Kerry on Sunday 27th September 2015. Text: James5:7-11. Until the Lord comes we will experiences troubles in the church, troubles in the world and troubles in life. We need to be patient because: God’s people are prone to […]
The Outworking of Prayer (Psalm 126)
Our second look at Psalm 126, as we conclude our prayer week. Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 6th September 2015
The Foundation of Prayer (Psalm 126)
Our first look at Psalm 126, as we begin our prayer week. We want to consider where prayer comes from – where its foundation lies. Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 30th August 2015.
“Who do you think you are?”
“Who do you think you are?” is part 3 in our series in the first half of Mark’s gospel called “The King is Coming”. Text: Mark 2:1-3:35. Jesus answers this question by explaining he is the God for forgives sins, the bridegroom of the wedding, the Lord of the Sabbath, the defeater of Satan, the […]