Westside Baptist Church

Westside Summer Reading Group

This summer we’re going to be looking at “Little books in God’s big story”.

Remember that you can join our Facebook group “Westside Summer Reading Group”.

Here is the reading plan:

17th – 21st June: Ruth

24th – 28th June: Song of Solomon

1st – 5th July: Ecclesiastes

8th – 12th July: Lamentations

15th – 19th July: Daniel 1-6

22nd – 26th July: Ezra

29th July – 2nd August: Nehemiah 1-7

5th – 9th August: Nehemiah 8-13

12th – 16th August: Esther

19th – 23rd August: Jonah

Come and Visit!

If you're living locally, or just visiting the area,
you're very welcome to come along to any of
our services or events.

Westside Baptist Church, Old Chapel, Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland

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