Audio > Sermons
The Seduction of Success
Third sermon in the series “Believing God’s Promise” (Gen. 12-22). Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 20th January 2013. Text: Genesis 14. Abram gets get up in the trouble of others but responds with love and faith, recognising the True King of the land by accepting a blessing from God and rejecting a deal with […]
Walking by Faith
Second sermon in the series “Believing God’s Promise” (Gen. 12-22). Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 13th January 2013. Text: Genesis 13. Abram experiences God’s mercy both in receiving blessing in spite of his faltering faith and repentance in spite of his faltering faith. As a result Abram has a new response to trouble; selfishness […]
A new jouney of faith
First sermon in the series “Believing God’s Promise” (Gen. 12-22). Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 6th January 2013. Text: Genesis 12. As Abram embarks on a new journey of faith we see that the foundation of faith is the Word of God, promising that from Abram would come a great nation, that Abram would be […]
The Pride of Man and the Power of God
From the series “It was good” (Gen 1-11). Preached by Martin Parker on 2nd December 2012. Text: Genesis 11. We see that the pride of man lay in making their own plans, seeking their own fame and rebelling against God’s words while thinking that God could do nothing about it. However, the pride of man would encounter the […]
A new beginning?
From the series “It was good!” (Gen. 1-11). Preached by Martin Parker on 25th November 2012. Text: Gen. 8:20-10:32. As Noah comes off the ark God makes unconditional promises to humankind and even though the cycle of sin continues God’s purpose of filling the earth is ultimately being fulfilled.
Judgment and Salvation
From the series “It was good” (Gen. 1-11). Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 18th November 2012. Text: Gen:7:1-8:19. We consider God’s purpose in judgment, God’s patience in judgment and God’s mercy in judgment.
The sin of man and the grief of God
From the series “It was good” (Genesis 1-11).Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 11th November 2012. Text: Genesis 6. We see the greatness of human sin, God’s grief at human sin, and God’s plan for human sin. This was part of a service with a focus on the work of Tearfund.
Life in a Fallen World
From the series “It was good” (Genesis 1-11). Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 4th November 2012. Text: Genesis 4-5. We see that life in fallen world is maked by rebellion against God, hatred of others, love of self and the certainty of death. But there is still hope to be found in the seed […]
Rebellion in God’s Kingdom
From the series “It was good” (Genesis 1-11). Preached by Martin Parker on 28th October 2012. Text: Genesis 3. We are introduced to the snake, the enemy of God, the devil, who rejects the authority of the King, denies the words of the King and questions the character of the King. In contrast to the […]
God’s Perfect Kingdom
From the series “It was good” (Genesis 1-11). Preached by Martin Parker on Sunday 21st October 2012. Text: Genesis 2:4-25. We discover that humankind was created by God, given the dignity of working with God, and are married for God. Click on the image above or here to download.